Ep: 266 - Escaping Religious Trauma and Captivity

We meet with Geoffrey Wallis, author of 'A Voice From the Inside: Notes on Religious Trauma in a Captive Organization.' He shares his experience of leaving the Jehovah's Witness church, which he identifies as a captive organization, and the psychological and emotional trauma that ensued once he began to seriously question his beliefs and deconstruct from his religion.

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Ep: 237 - Escaping the House of Yahweh - The Psychology of Cults

Professor Michael Drane meets with Debryah Hawkins, a survivor of the House of Yahweh Cult. What started out as an innocent adventure and a 3-day feast quickly spiraled into a 10-year trap. They discuss how she was recruited, the lengths required for loyalty and submission, and how she Got The Hell Out!

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Ep: 235 - The Psychology of Cobra Kai Season 3 (Part 1)

We meet with Brihana Davidson of the 'Cobra Kai Kompanion' podcast to discuss Cobra Kai, Season 3! Listen in as they answer stalker questions like "Is Cobra Kai a cult?" and "Is John Kreese a psychopath?" Brihana brings her trusted expertise into the behavior and history of the characters, and we WILL be revealing spoilers.

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Ep: 217 - Cult Vibrations & The Legacy of Teal Swan (RELOADED) - The Psychology of The Teal Swan Cult

In This Episode: Teal Swan stands in the center of controversy. This is the story of a female Cult Leader/Spiritual Teacher who recruits members via YouTube & Facebook. Is she responsible for leading her followers to suicide?

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Ep: 177 - The Psychology of Tiger King - The Psychology of Cults and Tigers

We sit down to talk about the Netflix television show “The Tiger King”. We each share our psychological analysis of Joe Exotic, Carol Baskin, and Doc Antle. We compare each of their zoo cultures to cult criteria. Are they zookeepers or cult leaders? Are they narcissists ? .

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Ep: 175 - (The John Frum Cult) Cults Vs. Religions - The Psychology of Cults

What are the fabled “Cargo Cults” of the pacific? Indigenous tribes that were overwhelmed by technology. So much that they began to worship the American Servicemen as gods. We explore religions vs. cults. What makes a cult?

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Ep: 158 - Manson Vs. Jones - The Psychology of Cult Leaders and Serial Killers (Preview)

We delve into what's the difference between a "Serial Killer" and a "Cult Leader". What is the psychological profiles of Jim Jones, and Charles Manson? We also discuss the differences between spree murder, and mass murder, using two of the most notorious villains in history.

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Ep: 146 - Scale of Evil (Part 7) Cornered Killers - The Psychology of Murder

In May of 1977 a sadistic Mormon cult leader Ervil Lebaron orders his cult to walk into a clinic and gun down a rival cult leader. This is where our episode on the level 12 scale of evil begins- With a warning about what it means to follow your own killer down a path of weaponized religiosity. Michael drane, true crime, forensics, killer, dr. Michael Stone, gradation of evil, scale of evil,

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Ep: 123 - Cult Psychology: Order Of The Solar Temple

In this episode Michael Drane discusses the Order of the Solar Temple cult. Solar Temple gained worldwide notoriety when the burnt bodies of 74 of its members were found in Switzerland, Canada and then France. 23 bodies were discovered in a burnt-out farm in canton Fribourg. Another 25 bodies were found in canton Valais.

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Ep: 90 - The Handmaid's Tale VS The FLDS Cult

A theocratic totalitarian government and a cult. What are the differences in the dystopia of the Handmaid’s Tale Vs. the oppression of the Fundamentalist Latter Day Saint Cult. What are the psychological similarities between them, and how is Warren Jeffs still holding power over his followers?

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Ep: 61 - Why We Fall for Stuff - The Psychology of Being Gullible

Psychotherapist and professor Michael Drane is interviewed by The Reasonable Risk Podcast about why people join Cults and Multi-level Marketing Schemes and how YOU can protect yourself.

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Ep: 48 - Top 10 Most Toxic Cults (Preview)

This episode is 2 and a half hours long and covers cult-logic, and the specific stories and qualifying factors of ten unique cults..1. Heaven's Gate Cult 2. Scientology 3. KKK 4. Aum Shinrikyo 5. ISIS 6. Branch Davidians Cult 7. Restoration of the Ten Commandments Cult 8. Vampire Clan 9. Superior Universal Alignment 10. Jehovah's Witness Cult.

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Ep: 45 - The Children of Thunder Cult- The Psychology of Shared Psychotic Disorder

Glenn Taylor Helzer and his small, but powerful cult known as the Children of Thunder. He was bred to be a prophet by, his faithfully Mormon family. They groomed Taylor to be the spiritual leader. This episode is a reminder that it's not the size of the cult that matters, but the purpose. A cult doesn't have to be big, to be deadly.

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Ep: 25 - Cult Leaders Vs. Serial Killers - Psychology of Cult Leaders, Serial Killers, & Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

We are here to answer these questions. 1: What are the differences between the infamous cult leader Jim Jones vs. Serial Killers? And our favorite serial killer? 2: Do you believe in self-diagnosis? Should we be able to diagnose ourselves or should it be done by a professional?

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Ep: 10 - Jim Jones And The Jonestown Massacre- The Psychology of Cults and Mass Suicide

“The Peoples Temple” cult leader Jim Jones moved his flock to South America and named the compound Jonestown. After percieved intervention from the American government a string of murder’s takes place. Jim Jones then leads ( or in some cases forces) more than 900 people to commit mass suicide by drinking poison.

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Ep: 8 - The Stanford Prison Experiment - The Psychology of Authority

The prison experiment in the 1970’s by Philip Zimbardo, who intended to study the effects of prison environments, but ended up uncovering examples of human nature. They are housed in a Stanford basement, make-shift prison. Students were divided into a group of prisoners and a group of guards. W

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