Ep: 237 - Escaping the House of Yahweh - The Psychology of Cults

Professor Michael Drane meets with Debryah Hawkins, a survivor of the House of Yahweh Cult. What started out as an innocent adventure and a 3-day feast quickly spiraled into a 10-year trap. They discuss how she was recruited, the lengths required for loyalty and submission, and how she Got The Hell Out!

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Ep: 223 - The Day After Doomsday: The Psychology of the Strong City Cult (Preview)

Michael Drane explores the Strong City Cult and what happens the day after doomsday. How do they live with the cognitive dissonance? What do they say to their leader once the prophecy fails?

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Ep: 123 - Cult Psychology: Order Of The Solar Temple

In this episode Michael Drane discusses the Order of the Solar Temple cult. Solar Temple gained worldwide notoriety when the burnt bodies of 74 of its members were found in Switzerland, Canada and then France. 23 bodies were discovered in a burnt-out farm in canton Fribourg. Another 25 bodies were found in canton Valais.

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Ep: 48 - Top 10 Most Toxic Cults (Preview)

This episode is 2 and a half hours long and covers cult-logic, and the specific stories and qualifying factors of ten unique cults..1. Heaven's Gate Cult 2. Scientology 3. KKK 4. Aum Shinrikyo 5. ISIS 6. Branch Davidians Cult 7. Restoration of the Ten Commandments Cult 8. Vampire Clan 9. Superior Universal Alignment 10. Jehovah's Witness Cult.

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