We discuss mental health care standards, stereotypes and practices in the 1800s, the emergence of interventions we see and use today, outlandish diagnoses, and more!
Read moreEp: 248 - Live Show #1: Relationship Questions - The Psychology of Relationships
Our very first Live Show! Relationship Questions Edition… We answer questions around personality shifts due to stress, money in relationships, and how to manage a Master’s Degree while being in a relationship.
Read moreEp: 244 - Spree Murder and The Georgia Spa Shootings - The Psychology of Spree Murder (Preview)
We discuss the Georgia Spa Shootings that left 8 people dead. Robert Long’s actions have been cast into the news as an example of the rise in hate crimes towards Asian Americans following the Covid-19 Pandemic. Is this a racially motivated hate crime?
Read moreEp: 241 - Diagnosing Demonic Possession (RELOADED)
What is more terrifying? When you realize you've been possessed by demons OR the moment where you realize it's all in your head? If you thought 'The Exorcism of Emily Rose' was a cult classic, wait until you hear ours.
Read moreEp: 239 - Elisa Lam & The Disappearance at the Cecil Hotel - (Preview)
We revisit the infamous case of Elisa Lam and her disappearance from the Cecil Hotel in L.A., California.After watching the new Netflix Docuseries ‘Crime Scene: The Vanishing at Cecil Hotel’, Michael explores Elisa’s symptoms of psychosis, her bizarre behavior in the elevator video, her actions leading up to her disappearance.
Read moreEp: 230 - Paranormal Activity - The Psychology of Confirmation Bias
We explores the Psychology of Confirmation Bias through the lens of Paranormal Activity. We have with us Jeremy Enfinger, Paranormal Investigator.Jeremy, having spent several years investigating paranormal activity, is acting as the believer. Ryan, on the other hand, has never seen or felt a ghost, so he is acting as the skeptic.
Read moreEp: 226 - The Psychology of Live-Streamed Suicide 2
This week Lou asked about live-streamed suicide and the motive behind ending one’s life on social media platforms, as well as the ramifications for those who encourage suicide on social media. We touch on some of the legal and social challenges associated with addressing live-streamed suicide.
Read moreEp: 225 - Murderous Parents & How to Erase Yourself from the Internet - The Psychology of Filicide and Cybersecurity (Preview)
👇Listen To The Preview Below👇
In this week’s episode, the whole team is bringing the Stalkers some bona fide bonus content as we answer your questions from the Stalker Group. Sam asked about the case of Amanda Sharp-Jefferson and filicide--we discuss her case and the common reasons that people murder their children. Elijah inquired about the Netflix Documentary ‘The Social Dilemma’ and whether it is possible to remove yourself from the internet – we discuss data privacy, geolocation data, and the ‘not-so-secret’ problems with Google’s Incognito Mode.
Stay safe out there friends, and we hope you enjoy the show.
Unpopular Culture Podcast is a psychology podcast hosted by Professor & Psychotherapistt Michael Drane. With help from professionals in different fields, he seeks to shine light into the broken underbelly of society.
Listen as he takes on the psychology behind subjects like:
True Crime: serial killers, murders, stalkers, cults, forensic analysis
Psychology: mental illness, social phenomenon, mob mentality, psychoanalysis, etc.
Culture: Sexuality, Satanic Panic, love, Tv analysis, movie analysis.
We are an independent psychology podcast. Help us keep UPC free of ads and on the air. Please consider supporting the show and get access to our "Stalkers Only" archive, and help be a part of the creative process.
Support the Show! —> patreon.com/upcpodcast
Listen to the epIsode below
Ep: 225 - Murderous Parents & How to Erase Yourself from the Internet - The Psychology of Filicide and Cybersecurity - Psychology Podcast - Michael Drane - We are a forensic psychology podcast that focuses on true crime, pop culture, and psychological phenomenon - Unpopular Culture Podcast
Ep: 222 - CBT 101 (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) - A Therapist Explains CBT
On today's episode, Admin Andy Baker and Professor Michael Drane explore CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) and how it's used to help clients gain awareness of their thoughts, feelings, emotions and sensations. Tune in for aliens, Mr. Wizard and much more!
Read moreEp: 219 - Cobra Kai Psychology - The Psychology of Cobra Kai
Psychology Professor Michael Drane teams up with Brihana from The Cobra Kai Kompanion Podcast to talk behind the scenes of Cobra Kai, easter eggs, and the psychology behind this show. This episode covers season 1 and Season 2. Cobra Kai Podcast
Read moreEp: 218 - Death Row Psychology - The Psychology of Death Row
Dr. Bill Kimberlin has interviewed multiple inmates just prior to their executions. He comes with a message: Death row is not what we think it is.The author of the book, "Watch Me Die!" has come to UPC to talk about what he has learned.
Read moreEp: 217 - Cult Vibrations & The Legacy of Teal Swan (RELOADED) - The Psychology of The Teal Swan Cult
In This Episode: Teal Swan stands in the center of controversy. This is the story of a female Cult Leader/Spiritual Teacher who recruits members via YouTube & Facebook. Is she responsible for leading her followers to suicide?
Read moreEp: 216 - Psychotic Fame - The Psychology of Being Famous
Celebrities like Jennifer Lawerence, Daniel Radcliffe, and Amy Schumer describe being famous as a kind of disorientating whirlwind. Are you someone who fantasizes about being world-renown? If you suddenly became famous, you would find that the way you once existed in the world has changed.
Read moreEp: 214 - Scale of Evil, (Part 12) - The Psychology of Rape and Murder
Category 17 is a dark part of the Gradations of Evil scale. Its covers serial killers, torturers, and sadists. They kill for the gratification of the murder itself, and can involve sexual contact with their victim. Ted Bundy & Richard Ramirez- two serial rapists and sadists.
Read moreEp: 213 - Therapist Profiles: Umbrella Academy, (Part 3) - The Psychology of Umbrella Academy (Preview)
This is a Psychological Breakdown of "Five" from "The Umbrella Academy" Featuring Professor Michael Drane and grad students Andrew Baker and Ashely Haynes-Gibson.
Read moreEp: 210 - Gang Stalkers -The Psychology of Gang Stalking
Have you ever been stalked, not just by a person, but an entire group of people? How do you know? And the more disturbing question… how can you prove it? The Psychology behind this phenomenon may be more provocative than the phenomenon itself.
Read moreEp: 208 - Therapist Profiles: Umbrella Academy, (Part 1) Luther, Diego, Allison - The Psychology of Umbrella Academy
What trauma goes into making a hero? Psychology Professor Michael Drane breaks down the personality structure and family dynamics of The Umbrella Academy characters. This episode breaks down Diego, Luther, and Allison or numbers 1,2, and 3.
Read moreEp: 119 - Obsessive Compulsive - The Psychology Of OCD (Preview)
Obsessions, Compulsions, Hair Pulling, Skin Picking... Do you have any of these? Prof. Michael Drane talks Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and everything related to OCD.
Read moreEp: 78 - Stories From A Mental Hospital - Working in a Mental Hospital
We meet up with Dr. Kirk Honda (From the Psychology In Seattle Podcast) about working in inpatient mental hospitals. Professor Michael Drane has worked in various mental health organizations for the past decade. His roles include things like Behavioral Health Technician, and Intake therapist.
Read moreEp: 62 - “The Disaster Artist" & “The Room” Movie Recap - The Psychology of Tommy Wisseau
The Psychology of "The Room," "The Disaster Artist" and a breakdown of the mind of Tommy Wisseau by two psychotherapists, Michael Drane, and Kirk Honda, and Humberto joined these two at the Psychology in Seattle Podcast Studio to record a recap and commentary of both movies.
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