Ep: 248 - Live Show #1: Relationship Questions - The Psychology of Relationships

Our very first Live Show! Relationship Questions Edition… We answer questions around personality shifts due to stress, money in relationships, and how to manage a Master’s Degree while being in a relationship.

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Ep: 230 - Paranormal Activity - The Psychology of Confirmation Bias

We explores the Psychology of Confirmation Bias through the lens of Paranormal Activity. We have with us Jeremy Enfinger, Paranormal Investigator.Jeremy, having spent several years investigating paranormal activity, is acting as the believer. Ryan, on the other hand, has never seen or felt a ghost, so he is acting as the skeptic.

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Ep: 82 - Post Hypnotic Part 1: Q & A (Stalker Preview Episode) - The Psychology of Hypnosis

Dream interpretation, memory retrieval, surgery, and much more.

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