Ep: 248 - Live Show #1: Relationship Questions - The Psychology of Relationships

Our very first Live Show! Relationship Questions Edition… We answer questions around personality shifts due to stress, money in relationships, and how to manage a Master’s Degree while being in a relationship.

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Ep: 159 - Borderline Personality for "Bees with Boots - The Psychology of Borderline Personality Disorder

We discuss Borderline Personality Disorder. Attachment wounds and intense fear of abandonment lie at the heart of what is clinically known as Borderline Personality disorder. Many of us have features of this disorder. In this episode, we explain how this looks early and late in life, what to do if you have it, and how to get some help

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Ep: 98 - My Trauma - The Psychology of Trauma

How does trauma affect us as humans? How do these traumas change us and make us unable to handle certain things. In what way Professor/Psychotherapist Michael Drane explains- What is trauma?

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Ep: 32 - The 5 kinds of Stalkers - The Psychology of Stalkers

We break down the psychology behind the five 'types' of stalkers, analyzing their psychological state. Psychiatrist Paul Mullen, interviewed 145 convicted stalkers at an asylum it led him to conceptualize five stalker criteria or types, which are considered the gold standard in classifying stalker behavior today. THE REJECTED. THE INTIMACY SEEKER, THE INCOMPETENT, THE RESENTFUL, THE PREDATOR,

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