Ep: 211 - Living With Borderline Personality - The Psychology of Borderline Personality Disorder (Preview)

Borderline Personality can be extremely challenging for the person that has it, and also for the relationships in that person's life. In this episode: We discuss what it's like living with Borderline Personality.

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Ep: 77 - How to Get Over Your Ex - The Psychology of Breaking Up

Have you ever had your heart broken? What was it like for you? We talk about the psychology of breakups. He provides neurological analysis and guidelines to overcoming the grief of the breakup.

1. What happens to your brain when it's in love?

2. When your brain is going through a break up

3. What NOT to do when going through a breakup

4. How to get over your Ex for good and move on with your life

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Ep: 73 - The Psychology Of The Imposter Syndrome - What It Is, and How To Beat It

Do you ever feel like you are an imposter in you own skin? We talk about the bizarre phenomenon known as "Imposter Syndrome" , what it is and how to beat it. First described by psychologists Suzanne Imes, PhD, and Pauline Rose Clance, PhD, in the 1970s, impostor phenomenon occurs among high achievers who are unable to internalize and accept their success.

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Ep: 51 - The Many Flavors of Depression - The Psychology of Depression

Everyone feels depressed during their lives. We dive into the stigma behind mental illness, depression and anxiety, and the different "flavors" or types of depression. Have you felt depressed in your life? Is there a negative stigma in society ?

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Ep: 32 - The 5 kinds of Stalkers - The Psychology of Stalkers

We break down the psychology behind the five 'types' of stalkers, analyzing their psychological state. Psychiatrist Paul Mullen, interviewed 145 convicted stalkers at an asylum it led him to conceptualize five stalker criteria or types, which are considered the gold standard in classifying stalker behavior today. THE REJECTED. THE INTIMACY SEEKER, THE INCOMPETENT, THE RESENTFUL, THE PREDATOR,

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