Albert Fish is notoriously one of our most famous episodes, so we've decided to resurrect him from the digital grave. We explore one of America's most gruesome serial killers, Albert Fish. He was a living Boogeyman. Listen in as we explore the nature vs. nurture of Fish, his psychopathology, cannibalism, and sexual paraphilia.
Read moreEp: 237 - Escaping the House of Yahweh - The Psychology of Cults
Professor Michael Drane meets with Debryah Hawkins, a survivor of the House of Yahweh Cult. What started out as an innocent adventure and a 3-day feast quickly spiraled into a 10-year trap. They discuss how she was recruited, the lengths required for loyalty and submission, and how she Got The Hell Out!
Read moreEp: 236 - The Psychology of Cobra Kai Season 3 (Part 2) - (Preview)
In this week's episode, Professor Michael Drane meets with Brihana Davidson of the 'Cobra Kai Kompanion' podcast and Andrew Baker, Admin for UPC and fellow Psych Grad Student, to discuss Cobra Kai, Season 3
Read moreEp: 235 - The Psychology of Cobra Kai Season 3 (Part 1)
We meet with Brihana Davidson of the 'Cobra Kai Kompanion' podcast to discuss Cobra Kai, Season 3! Listen in as they answer stalker questions like "Is Cobra Kai a cult?" and "Is John Kreese a psychopath?" Brihana brings her trusted expertise into the behavior and history of the characters, and we WILL be revealing spoilers.
Read moreEp: 234 - Death Is Hilarious: The Psychology of Dark Humor (Preview)
Michael Drane meets with Tawny Platis, Host of 'Death Is Hilarious' Podcast, to explore the Psychology of Dark Humor. Listen in as they discuss what dark humor is, why it's good for us, how Covid-19 has impacted our sense of humor, and what having a dark sense of humor says about our personality. They also explore the misconceptions and frustrations with Kubler-Ross's model for grief. Psychology
Read moreEp: 233 - How To Incite A Mob: Thoughts on the Capitol
It’s astonishing how quickly one person’s idea can become the belief system of an entire community.
In this week's episode, Professor Michael Drane explores the psychology of Mob Mentality within the context of the riot at the Capitol. Mob Mentality usually makes headlines during the holidays--that is, unfortunately, a familiar sight. However, the events that took place last Wednesday are unprecedented. You may be asking yourself "Why did this happen?" or "How could this happen?"
Read moreEp: 232 - Push Button, Get Happy (Preview)
Every day we experience psychological addiction through our most popular video games because these platforms utilize neuropsychology to keep the players coming back for more. This is the same process as a slot machine. But what happens when you put a slot machine into a human brain? What happens when humans are given an all-access pass to bliss? In a split second, your pain, physical discomfort, and emotional misery are all gone. All you feel is bliss. And all you have to do to get it is to push this button. What are the repercussions of this outcome? What are the societal consequences?
Read moreEp. 231: The Art of Influence—An Unpopular Interview with Author Michael F. Schein
In this week’s episode, Professor Michael Drane sits down with Michael F. Schein, author of “The Hype Handbook: 12 Indispensable Success Secrets from the World’s Greatest Propagandists, Self-Promoters, Cult Leaders, Mischief Makers, and Boundary Breakers”, to discuss how himself and others have mastered the power of hype to get what they want. They also explore the psychology of influence and persuasion, and its impact socially.
Read moreEp: 230 - Paranormal Activity - The Psychology of Confirmation Bias
We explores the Psychology of Confirmation Bias through the lens of Paranormal Activity. We have with us Jeremy Enfinger, Paranormal Investigator.Jeremy, having spent several years investigating paranormal activity, is acting as the believer. Ryan, on the other hand, has never seen or felt a ghost, so he is acting as the skeptic.
Read moreEp : 229 - Sexual Fetish Trivia Game! - The Psychology of Sexual Fetishes (Preview)
👇Listen To The Preview Below👇
In this week's episode, the whole gang is bringing you another cult classic--Sexual Fetish Trivia! Watch as Andy and Ashley go head-to-head in their second round of Trivia just for our beloved Stalkers. We review the most common types of sexual fetishes, the differences between a fetish and a paraphilia, and much more!
Stay safe out there friends, and we hope you enjoy the show.
Hosted by Professor Michael Drane of the Unpopular Culture Podcast
Unpopular Culture Podcast is a psychology podcast hosted by Professor & Psychotherapist Michael Drane. With help from professionals in different fields, he seeks to shine light into the broken underbelly of society.
Listen as he takes on the psychology behind subjects like:
True Crime: serial killers, murders, stalkers, cults, forensic analysis
Psychology: mental illness, social phenomenon, mob mentality, psychoanalysis, etc.
Culture: Sexuality, Satanic Panic, love, Tv analysis, movie analysis.
We are an independent psychology podcast. Help us keep UPC free of ads and on the air. Please consider supporting the show and get access to our "Stalkers Only" archive, and help be a part of the creative process.
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Listen To The Podcast Here
Ep: 228 - Death Row Psychology: The Case of Lisa Montgomery
We meet up with Dr. Bill Kimberlin to discuss the case of an inmate he has been interviewing for over 6 years, Lisa Montgomery. She is the first female prisoner to be federally executed on Death Row in over 70 years. Listen in as they discuss the different types of execution styles, the different drugs used in an execution, the psychology of the executioner, and more.
Read moreEp: 227 - The Psychology of Paranoia - (Preview)
We explore the different levels of paranoia, key traits of paranoid thinkers, as well as the differences between paranoid psychosis and paranoid personality disorders. Stay safe out there friends, and we hope you enjoy the show.
Read moreEp: 226 - The Psychology of Live-Streamed Suicide 2
This week Lou asked about live-streamed suicide and the motive behind ending one’s life on social media platforms, as well as the ramifications for those who encourage suicide on social media. We touch on some of the legal and social challenges associated with addressing live-streamed suicide.
Read moreEp: 225 - Murderous Parents & How to Erase Yourself from the Internet - The Psychology of Filicide and Cybersecurity (Preview)
👇Listen To The Preview Below👇
In this week’s episode, the whole team is bringing the Stalkers some bona fide bonus content as we answer your questions from the Stalker Group. Sam asked about the case of Amanda Sharp-Jefferson and filicide--we discuss her case and the common reasons that people murder their children. Elijah inquired about the Netflix Documentary ‘The Social Dilemma’ and whether it is possible to remove yourself from the internet – we discuss data privacy, geolocation data, and the ‘not-so-secret’ problems with Google’s Incognito Mode.
Stay safe out there friends, and we hope you enjoy the show.
Unpopular Culture Podcast is a psychology podcast hosted by Professor & Psychotherapistt Michael Drane. With help from professionals in different fields, he seeks to shine light into the broken underbelly of society.
Listen as he takes on the psychology behind subjects like:
True Crime: serial killers, murders, stalkers, cults, forensic analysis
Psychology: mental illness, social phenomenon, mob mentality, psychoanalysis, etc.
Culture: Sexuality, Satanic Panic, love, Tv analysis, movie analysis.
We are an independent psychology podcast. Help us keep UPC free of ads and on the air. Please consider supporting the show and get access to our "Stalkers Only" archive, and help be a part of the creative process.
Support the Show! —>
Listen to the epIsode below
Ep: 225 - Murderous Parents & How to Erase Yourself from the Internet - The Psychology of Filicide and Cybersecurity - Psychology Podcast - Michael Drane - We are a forensic psychology podcast that focuses on true crime, pop culture, and psychological phenomenon - Unpopular Culture Podcast
Ep: 224 - Scale of Evil, Part 13: Torture Murders - The Psychology of Murder
We explore Level 18 of the Gradations of Evil Scale, developed by Dr's Michael Stone and Gary Brucato. "Though psychotic, they do not typically prolong their torture. " Maury Travis, a quiet, unsuspecting man, shocked the St. Louis area after police discovered that he was responsible for the death of over 17 women. Known as the "Bi-State Strangler" or the "Street Walker Strangler",
Read moreEp: 223 - The Day After Doomsday: The Psychology of the Strong City Cult (Preview)
Michael Drane explores the Strong City Cult and what happens the day after doomsday. How do they live with the cognitive dissonance? What do they say to their leader once the prophecy fails?
Read moreEp: 222 - CBT 101 (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) - A Therapist Explains CBT
On today's episode, Admin Andy Baker and Professor Michael Drane explore CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) and how it's used to help clients gain awareness of their thoughts, feelings, emotions and sensations. Tune in for aliens, Mr. Wizard and much more!
Read moreEp: 221 - 4 Year Anniversary Show
UPC is turning 4 years old! To celebrate 4 years of Unpopular Culture, we are answering Stalker questions: What was our favorite episode to make? What if we had a device that controlled our emotions? How will Covid-19 impact future generations? These and more will be answered
Read moreEp: 220 - The Murder of James Bulger - The Psychology of Children Who Kill
Liverpool, 1993: Two 10-year-old boys kidnap and savagely murder 2-year-old James Bulger. What would compel such young children to commit a vicious act on a little kid? The investigation and trial produced overwhelming evidence against the two young killers.
Read moreEp: 219 - Cobra Kai Psychology - The Psychology of Cobra Kai
Psychology Professor Michael Drane teams up with Brihana from The Cobra Kai Kompanion Podcast to talk behind the scenes of Cobra Kai, easter eggs, and the psychology behind this show. This episode covers season 1 and Season 2. Cobra Kai Podcast
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