Ep: 234 - Death Is Hilarious: The Psychology of Dark Humor (Preview)

Michael Drane meets with Tawny Platis, Host of 'Death Is Hilarious' Podcast, to explore the Psychology of Dark Humor. Listen in as they discuss what dark humor is, why it's good for us, how Covid-19 has impacted our sense of humor, and what having a dark sense of humor says about our personality. They also explore the misconceptions and frustrations with Kubler-Ross's model for grief. Psychology

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Ep: 111 - The Trauma Finds Us All - Three Therapists React (Preview)

Therapists read and analyze traumatic stories that listeners wrote in. This content is intense, which is why it's so important for people to hear. You are not alone. Thanks to my very talented PhD clinicians Jessica Gaul & Nikki Golden helping out in this episode.

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Ep: 94 - Black Mirror's "Be Right Back"- The Psychology of Grief

dive into the Psychology of Grief, with a walkthrough of the super heavy, albeit magnificent, episode of Black Mirror, "Be Right Back." In this recap and explanation of Season 2, episode 1, we talk about how to handle grief yourself, how to handle someone else who is grieving (with grace), and we even explore the many different kinds of technology that exist like the A.I. that we will call "Ashbot" for the duration of the podcast. Let us know how you feel about this episode of Black Mirror, or our recap and analysis— in the Facebook group or on twitter! Thanks, friends!

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