Ep: 199 - The Six Stalkers, Part 5: Political Stalkers - The Psychology of Stalking Behavior

Today, we will discuss the 5th type of stalker under the Ronald Holmes model- The political Stalker. This is a kind of stalker that is not driven by sexual desire or intimacy, but by ideology. The radicalized behavior and delusional thinking has torn at the fabric of our society since the beginning of society itself. Since the assassination of Julius Caesar and before, Political stalkers have been altering the course of our history.

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Ep: 92 - Black Mirror's "San Junipero" - Nostalgia Therapy & Virtual Reality

We return with San Junipero, the most acclaimed episode of Black Mirror series. What year would YOUR San Junipero take place? "San Junipero" is the fourth episode in the third series of the British science fiction anthology television series Black Mirror.

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