Ep: 70 - Suicide Pods, Personality Tests & Comedy Psychology

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Inn this special episode of the podcast, we address 10 questions from our Stalker/Patrons! Including:

  1. Sarah in Stalker group: “You guys are always talking about technology addiction, sometimes I find myself genuinely worried about how much time I spend on my phone or computer. What scares me more is how anxious I feel when I'm not using it. Any tips for a struggling iPhone addict?”

  2. Heather in the Stalker group: “What are your thoughts, is this moral?https://ia.meaww.com/read/technology/company-creates-suicide-machine-that-will-assist-patients-with-their-death/wp?utm_source=wp&utm_campaign=influencer&utm_medium=4697

  3. Cadence in the stalker group: "A debate that I currently run into as whether or not Boderline Personality Disorder is really a personality disorder or the result of complex trauma. A colleague of mine won't utilize the name BPD and instead refers to it as complex trauma. Just an idea!"

  4. The Psychology of Comedy requested by famous stalker John & also Cadence in the stalker group shared this article: https://themighty.com/2017/09/pete-davidson-borderline-personality-disorder-manipulation/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Mighty_MH_Page

  5. Kendra in the stalker group: "Forgive me if this has been discussed I'm a little behind. Has there been a episode on the effects of music on your mood: Personally work has been insanely stressful the last few weeks(had my first panic attack in roughly 5 years last week) and music has been helping calm me. So I'm wondering if that is universal."

  6. Typical American lifestyle: Now vs. the 50's

  7. Tracy in the stalker group: “I'm not sure if you guys have ever done a little bit of this in an episode, but have your ever thought of doing an episode on the psychology of forgiveness? I saw this documentary a few years ago and followed her path, as I held grudges so badly. It was just ruining my life. I've become so much happier since then and find it so interesting." http://m.imdb.com/title/tt0489707/

  8. Online Personality tests like Myers Briggs



Unpopular Culture Podcast is a psychology podcast hosted by Professor & Psychotherapist Michael Drane. With help from professionals in different fields, he seeks to shine light into the broken underbelly of society.

Listen as he takes on the psychology behind subjects like:

True Crime: serial killers, murders, stalkers, cults, forensic analysis

Psychology: mental illness, social phenomenon, mob mentality, psychoanalysis, etc. 

Culture: Sexuality, Satanic Panic, love, Tv analysis, movie analysis. 

We are an independent psychology podcast. Help us keep UPC free of ads and on the air. Please consider supporting the show and get access to our "Stalkers Only" archive, and help be a part of the creative process.

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👇Listen Below👇

Ep: 70 - Suicide Pods, Personality Tests & Comedy Psychology - Unpopular Culture Podcast - Michael Drane - Psychology Podcast - We are a forensic psychology podcast that focuses on true crime, pop culture, and psychological analysis. The psychol…

Ep: 70 - Suicide Pods, Personality Tests & Comedy Psychology - Unpopular Culture Podcast - Michael Drane - Psychology Podcast - We are a forensic psychology podcast that focuses on true crime, pop culture, and psychological analysis. The psychology of suicide.

n this special episode of the podcast, we address 10 questions from our Stalker/Patrons! Including:

Sarah in Stalker group: “You guys are always talking about technology addiction, sometimes I find myself genuinely worried about how much time I spend on my phone or computer. What scares me more is how anxious I feel when I'm not using it. Any tips for a struggling iPhone addict?”

Heather in the Stalker group: “What are your thoughts, is this moral?https://ia.meaww.com/read/technology/company-creates-suicide-machine-that-will-assist-patients-with-their-death/wp?utm_source=wp&utm_campaign=influencer&utm_medium=4697

Cadence in the stalker group: "A debate that I currently run into as whether or not Boderline Personality Disorder is really a personality disorder or the result of complex trauma. A colleague of mine won't utilize the name BPD and instead refers to it as complex trauma. Just an idea!"

The Psychology of Comedy requested by famous stalker John & also Cadence in the stalker group shared this article: https://themighty.com/2017/09/pete-davidson-borderline-personality-disorder-manipulation/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Mighty_MH_Page

Kendra in the stalker group: "Forgive me if this has been discussed I'm a little behind. Has there been a episode on the effects of music on your mood: Personally work has been insanely stressful the last few weeks(had my first panic attack in roughly 5 years last week) and music has been helping calm me. So I'm wondering if that is universal."

Typical American lifestyle: Now vs. the 50's

Tracy in the stalker group: “I'm not sure if you guys have ever done a little bit of this in an episode, but have your ever thought of doing an episode on the psychology of forgiveness? I saw this documentary a few years ago and followed her path, as I held grudges so badly. It was just ruining my life. I've become so much happier since then and find it so interesting." http://m.imdb.com/title/tt0489707/

Online Personality tests like Myers Briggs